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Recurring upgrade message when opening software

When the MYOB Exo Employer Services software has a new version installed over an existing installation, an upgrade is performed to update the existing data to the new version. The upgrade will also occur if a backup is restored that was created in a previous version as the data must be updated to the new version. 

There are occasions when the upgrade completes ok, no restores are done or new versions installed, but the next time the software is started the upgrade requests to be rerun and it continues to occur even though the upgrade completes each time. This situation can be occurring due to settings in the software not being updated to reflect the upgrade having completed correctly.

Below are details on what can be done to resolve this situation:

To fix the issue
  1. Log into a 'company' then go to the "Utilities" menu then select "Backup Options".
  2. Take a note of all of the information in the "Backup Options" screen including the path in the "Hard Disk Backup Directory" field.
  3. Exit from the software.
  4. Go to the folder where the software is installed then delete the "environ.dbf" file. This is one of the files that stores the settings that determine whether an upgrade is to be performed or not.
  5. Restart the software. The Login screen may take some time to appear as the software has to recreate the "environ.dbf" file.
  6. Once the Login screen appears, log into a "company" then go to the "Utilities" menu then select "Backup Options".
  7. Enter the information in the "Backup Options" screen as per what was noted above.
    This should stop the upgrade process from occurring each time the software is started.

If the upgrade occurs again when the software is started but there have been no restores or upgrade installations done, it is possible that the files were not created correctly due to user access rights or other causes such as settings in programs such as an Anti-Virus. Ask IT to check the options for what could be affecting the software, make any changes as required and to follow the above steps while logged on to the pc with the Domain Administrator login.

Need more help? You can open the online help by pressing F1 on your keyboard while in your software.

You can also find more help resources on the MYOB Exo Employer Services Education Centre for Australia or New Zealand.

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