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Rates in holiday pay report showing higher or lower than expected (New Zealand)

The Holiday Pay Report in the New Zealand version of MYOB Exo Payroll is a report used to show an Employee's Outstanding, Accrued and Advanced Holiday Pay figures. This report is broken-down into units, rates and amounts. The report cannot be printed for a specific date range and is a snapshot of the Holiday Pay Balances at the time of printing the report. The Holiday Pay report is located under the Financial Tab in Print Reports. 


When processing Holiday Pay for an Employee, the rate may seem higher or lower than expected. Holiday Pay will calculate amounts based on the higher of Average Weekly Earnings (52 week average) versus Ordinary Weekly Pay (Standard Pay, 4 Week Average or higher of both) and the Holiday Pay report shows and uses the Rate that is determined.

  • Check the setup of the Holiday Pay calculation in the Holiday Pay tab of the employee's Employee Maintenance screen. The Ordinary Weekly Pay Method field can be set to Standard Pay, 4 Week Average or Higher Rate. If this field is set to Standard Pay then check the Standard Pay to make sure that the Gross Taxable Earnings along with the Days/Hours Paid and Definition of a Week (DoW) figures, depending on the setup of Holiday Pay, are correct.

    If the employee's Holiday Pay is being managed in Days or Hours (not Weeks) and there is Gross Taxable Earnings but no Days (or Hours) Paid figures, the Payroll will use a 1 for the Days (or Hours) Paid figure in the Holiday Pay rate calculation. If the rate is higher than expected then it is often because of this situation.
  • If the rate being used is not being calculated from the Standard Pay or 4 Week Average, check the Last 12 Months figures on the Holiday Pay tab of the employee's Employee Maintenance screen. It may be that the employee has had other payments that have increased the figures in the rate calculation for Holiday Pay or that the Days/Hours Paid or Definition of a Week (DoW) figures, depending on the setup of Holiday Pay, entered in pays have been processed incorrectly.

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