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Problem posting general ledger data from EXO Payroll to EXO Business

MYOB Exo Payroll (AU and NZ versions) has an option to "Post to Exo Business" (via Reports menu). For clients using both products, this transfers General Ledger amounts and codes for selected pays directly to the Exo Business General Ledger.

Normal usage sequence:

  1. Click Post to Exo Business (on Payroll Reports menu) - a "Payroll" screen appears allowing selection of Pays to post, and option to use Detail or Summary format.
  2. Click Post - an "Exo Business" logon screen appears, allowing selection of Database to connect to, and entry of logon credentials.
  3. Following successful logon, a screen might appear advising of Posting issues, with option to view details in a report. Can then choose to continue or cancel posting.
  4. On successful posting, an "Export Complete" message is displayed.
  5. Otherwise will see message "The selected pays have not been posted". This appears even if process is cancelled or fails to reach Exo Business logon screen.

Here are the problems most commonly experienced by "Payroll" users (more information in next section):

  • The Exo Business logon screen does not appear.
  • Exo Payroll appears to stall or crash after successful Posting.
  • A message appears with variations on "Connection Error - Your version of Exonetlib.dll is out of date - this application requires version 2015.200 or later" (covered in next section).
  • Errors following upgrade to Exo Business 2018.4 (see section below).
  • The above issues generally relate to files Exonetlib.dll or ExoOEMlib.dll being missing, not registered, or the wrong version.
  • If Posting issues are flagged, these generally indicate General Ledger Codes, Employee Codes, or perhaps data sizes posted from "Payroll" do not match the corresponding "Business" fields. Clients using Exo Business will have support arranged via an MYOB "Business Partner". This partner can advise how to match data format and sizes between the two systems.

The Exo Business logon screen does not appear

For this screen to open, the Exo Payroll "Client" computer must have an appropriate version of the "ExoOEMlib.dll" file present and registered within Windows:

  • For "64 bit" systems - must be in Windows\SysWOW64
  • For "32 bit" systems - must be in Windows\System 32

Running Exo Payroll's Network.exe utility normally resolves issue by copying and registering the file (subject to using a logon with appropriate user rights):

  • A "Manual upgrade" will do the same. Both processes display an option to select the Exo Business version used (either "Don't use" or a range of versions).
  • The corresponding file version (at Apr17, either 2016.2.0.31 or is delivered from within "Payroll". This is not influenced by any "Business" installation present.
  • If this does not help, is likely that something in the IT environment blocks the file (maybe user-rights or security software). Next step is for client's IT support to investigate - perhaps can copy and register the file manually.
  • Exo Business clients all have support arranged via an MYOB "Business Partner". This Partner can provide a copy of the appropriate file if required.

Exo Payroll appears to stall or crash after successful posting

This is unusual. Business Partners have found can relate to an incorrect version of the "ExoOEMlib.dll" file installed at Payroll "Client":

  • Section above explains file location, normal installation process, and support via MYOB "Business partner".
  • Partner needs to confirm that file version used exactly matches version of Exo Business.

"Connection Error - Your version of ExonetLib.dll is out of date - this application requires version 20nn.n00 or later"

Client computers running Exo Business must have an appropriate version of the "ExonetLib.dll" file:

  • This is commonly installed within Windows on the client PC.
  • For "64 bit" systems - must be in Windows\SysWOW64.
  • For "32 bit" systems - must be in Windows\System 32.
  • NB - in some environments this file might be accessed from a server rather than the user's PC.
  • The error message implies this file version is not compatible with the ExoOEMlib.dll version covered in the section above.
  • While names are similar, these are different files doing different jobs.
  • The "ExonetLib.dll" version must correspond to Exo Business version used. Changing the file can affect "Business" operation.

Exo Business clients all have support arranged via an MYOB "Business Partner". This Partner understands how "Business" is configured, best for them to advise on resolving the version mis-match:

  • Situation can relate to use of an older Exo Business version, no longer supported by current Exo Payroll software. Recommended option is to update to a supported version of Exo Business.
  • Another option is to find and manually install/register a compatible version of ExoOEMlib.dll, as per the section above.
  • As a related issue, older versions of both files might not run correctly on Windows 10 (64 bit) clients.
  • Only the Partner can determine and supply a file version compatible with the software they support (might have in the original installation files, which normally include a "DLL folder").

In summary, current Exo Payroll software might have installed an "ExoOEMlib.dll" version that is not compatible with the "ExonetLib.dll" version used by an older (and no longer supported) Exo Business installation. If client wishes to keep using the older Exo Business version, best option is for the supporting Partner to provide and manually install/register an older and compatible version of "ExonetLib.dll".

Errors following upgrade to Exo Business 2018.4 or later

Exo Business 2018.4 comes with a new version of ExoOEMlib.dll. The new file is required to allow Exo Payroll to open the Exo Business logon screen.

Errors (including details along lines Error 2059... Error 1429... SELECT @ID 'ID" in procedure 'GEN_ID' is not compatible...) might appear after an apparently successful logon. This was progressed to Product Management on parent ticket 166384597967 as an issue relating to how Exo Payroll 2018.nn interacts with Exo Business 2018.4 and above.

Until resolved, one workaround is to revert to "Export to generic CSV" and Import into Exo Business, or to key data manually.

A revised ExoOEMLib.dll was made available to Business Partners via their normal support options from Jan19:

  • This does allow successful posting, however the software is then likely to hang and need a restart.
  • Exo Payroll releases for AU (from 2018.04) and NZ (from 2019.01) incorporate options for selecting appropriate Exo Business version when running the Network.exe utility.
  • Exo Business 2019.1 release notes report as resolved in this version.

Need more help? You can open the online help by pressing F1 on your keyboard while in your software.

You can also find more help resources on the MYOB Exo Employer Services Education Centre for Australia or New Zealand.

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