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PAYG to BAS report not balancing with the trial balance (Australia)

In this article we show how to print a PAYG for BAS report using the example below.

Example: In the case where a pay was processed with the Pay Period End Date in one month (e.g. 30/07/2009) but with a Physical Pay Date in a different month (e.g. 01/08/2009), the PAYG can be different in reports depending on the type of date being used - see PAYG for BAS Report (Figure 2) & Trial Balance by Pay Period End date (Figure 5).

When you print out a PAYG for BAS report and a Trial Balance report to check the figures, you can sometimes find the PAYG does not balance between the reports. This is because the PAYG for BAS report uses the Physical Pay Date while the Trial Balance has the ability to print using either Pay Period End Date (default) or Physical Pay Date (Select from options).

To print a PAYG for BAS report
  1. From the Main Menu go to Reports > Print Reports or click on the print report icon .
  2. Go to the Tax tab > select PAYG for BAS report.
  3. Note that the selection dates required are the Physical Pay Date > fill in the date From/To Fields.
  4. Select Destination: Printer > the Printer you wish to print to. If you wish you can select Screen so as to preview the report before printing.
To print a trial balance with physical pay date selection
  1. From the Main Menu go to Reports > Print Reports or click on the Print Report icon .
  2. Go to the Financial tab > select Trial Balance.
  3. Under Pay Type on the right choose Selected. This will give you the option to put in the Date Ranges.
  4. Note the selection dates required are Pay Period End Date > fill in the date From/To Field with the same dates as your BAS report.
  5. Under Options to the right click the Report Options tab.
  6. Using the dropdown menu next to Select Pays Using choose Physical Pay Date > Save:F10.
  7. Select Destination: Printer > the Printer you wish to print to. If you wish you can select Screen to preview the report before printing.

    Your Trial Balance and PAYG for BAS report should now report the same figures, by NOT choosing Physical Pay Date in your Trial Balance your report will show PAYG for Pay Period End date but the Physical Date date may have been in the following month.

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You can also find more help resources on the MYOB Exo Employer Services Education Centre for Australia or New Zealand.

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