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MyStaffInfo is unavailable after being installed

In this article it deals with the installation of MyStaffInfo.
More user information is available online or as a Pdf through your software application
A requirement of MyStaffInfo is that it must be installed in the same folder as Exo Payroll. The default Exo Payroll location will normally be C:\payrollv, but the software could be installed in a directory with a different name and on a different drive, e.g. P:\nzpay.

If Mystaffinfo has not been installed into the same location as Exo Payroll, you will not be able to access MyStaffInfo from the Pay menu in Exo Payroll as the payroll does not recognise MyStaffInfo as being installed.

To check your MyStaffInfo installation

Firstly you need to check the location where you have installed Exo Payroll.

  1. Log into Exo Payroll company.
  2. Go to Help > About from the menu or press F11
  3. Look for "Installed in" at the bottom of the window to determine the location the Exo Payroll has been installed
  4. Install MyStaffInfo to this same location
  5. Once MyStaffInfo has been installed it will be available in the Pay menu for use
  6. Go to the location where Exo Payroll has been installed (This is the location you found above).
  7. Scroll down the list of files to find any that are called Mystaffinfo.
  8. When Mystaffinfo is installed in the payroll location you should see 4 files:,,, staffinfo.ini
  9. If you do not see these Mystaffinfo files installed to the correct location they will need to be reinstalled

Need more help? You can open the online help by pressing F1 on your keyboard while in your software.

You can also find more help resources on the MYOB Exo Employer Services Education Centre for Australia or New Zealand.

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