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Long service leave entitlements (Australia)

In this article it shows Long Service Leave Entitlements for each state and requirements of entitlement.

The information below is a summary only.

Please refer to the relevant Long Service Leave legislation for further details and updates to entitlements.


  1. Paid if terminating for Illness, Incapacity, Death, "Domestic of other Pressing Necessity", Termination by Employer (except for reason of conduct, capacity or performance)
  2. Paid if terminating for Illness, Incapacity, Death, "Domestic of Pressing Necessity", Termination by Employer (except for serious and wilful misconduct)
  3. Paid if Reaching Mimimum Retirement Age per Award (or 65), Illness, Incapacity, Death, "Domestic of Pressing Necessity", Termination by Employer (not for serious and wilful misconduct)
  4. Paid if termating for any reason.
  5. Illness, Incapacity, Death, "Domestic of Pressing Necessity", Termination by Employer (not for serious and wilful misconduct)
  6. Paid if terminating for any reason except serious and wilful misconduct or when an employee unlawfully terminates their employment
  7. Paid if leaving for any reason except serious and wilful misconduct (under the LSL Act 1958)
  8. Paid if leaving for any reason except serious and wilful misconduct (for employees how have NAPSA's that mention the LSL Standard Provicions of 1977)
  9. Paid for Reaching Minimum Retirement Age (or 65), Illness, Incapacity, Death, "Domestic of Pressing Necessity", Termination by Employer (not for serious misconduct)

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