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Loading an employee's year to date information for the financial year (New Zealand)

There will be times when you may need to load an employee's pay information for the current financial year (from 1/4 to 31/3) i.e. their Gross Earnings, PAYE and Student Loan earned since 1 April. This may be due to moving between Divisions within the company or changing the payroll software being used.

This Year To Date Financial Year information will ensure that the employee's pay information for that financial year appears correctly in reports such as Payslips and Certificate of Earnings.

To load year to date totals for pay and taxation history

To enter the totals for each employee for their Year to Date Financial Year Loading, follow the steps below. The figures to be entered should have been gathered from your previous payroll software or the previous EXO Payroll payroll company the employee was in.

Login to the payroll company that the employee(s) have been put in.

  1. Go to the Utilities menu
  2. Select "Load YTD Totals" from the list
  3. In the screen that appears select the employee(s) from the Available list and move them to the Selected list then change the 'Load YTD Information for' field to 'Pay and Taxation History'.
  4. Click Next:F8
  5. The Load YTD Information screen will appear (see below).
    • Pay Date - enter the Pay Period date of the last pay processed for the employee in the old payroll software (or previous payroll company). If you are doing the Year To Date loading during the current month then the Pay Date being entered should be from the previous month. This is so that the Year To Date loading figures do not affect the IRD returns for the current month.
    • Gross - Enter the total amount of earnings liable for PAYE that the employee has earned since 1 April.
    • PAYE - Enter the total amount of PAYE that has been deducted (inclusive of Student Loan)
    • Student Loan - Enter the amount of Student Loan.
  6. Click Next:F8 to proceed
  7. Before finalising the Year To Date Loading import into EXO Payroll, print the YTD Loading report. Check this report then, so long as you are happy with the information shown, click Finish. The payroll will make a backup before importing the information into the pay history.

Need more help? You can open the online help by pressing F1 on your keyboard while in your software.

You can also find more help resources on the MYOB Exo Employer Services Education Centre for Australia or New Zealand.

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