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IRD website rejects an IR348 file (New Zealand)

The IR348 file that is sent monthly to IRD is created to a format specified by IRD. If this file does not conform to the specified format when being imported to the IRD website then the website will reject the file.

Why an IR file is rejected

Often the file is rejected after a user has checked the contents of the file in Excel. The file for IRD has fields containing what are known as "leading zeroes" that fill up the fields to the required length as detailed in the IRD specification. When the file is opened in Excel it does not show these "leading zeroes" and if the file is then saved from Excel the "leading zeroes" are stripped from the file. Because the "leading zeroes" are no longer in the file it is then rejected by the IRD website as it no longer matches the expected format.

If the file is being rejected then recreate the file from the IR348 report in Payroll, do nothing with the file then send the file via the IRD website.

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