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Holiday pay appears incorrect after adding an employee due to the "This Year Accrued To" date (New Zealand)

Holiday Pay accrual for the current Holiday Year is determined by several factors such as the Entitlement details setup and the method selected for the employee as well as the 'This Year Accrued To' date that appears in each employee's Holiday Pay screen.

Adding an employee who is using a 'set' Annual Entitlement, such as 8 % and 20 Days, the Accrued field on the Holiday Pay screen may not be showing the expected figure so appears to be "incorrect".

The Accrued field is based on the Annual Entitlement details and calculates the accrual from the 'Holiday Anniversary Date' up to the 'This Year Accrued To' date.


 When an employee is added to the software the 'This Year Accrued To' field uses the actual date the employee is added on (based on the date appearing in the title bar of the Payroll window). Once the first Current Pay is processed and updated for the employee, the 'This Year Accrued To' date will update to the next Pay Period End Date and the Accrued figure will update appropriately.

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