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Global loading for allowances and deductions (New Zealand)

Global Loading is a feature to apply an allowance or deduction to several employees at the same time.

The Global Loading feature can be accessed from within an Allowance/Deduction Maintenance screen. Global Loading is applied after the pay has been created and the Standard Pay information has been copied to the pay.

To apply global loading for an allowance or a deduction
  1. Click on Maintenance from the main menu or press F2 on the keyboard.
  2. Select Allowance or Deduction - depending on which type is to be processed.
  3. Select the specific Allowance or Deduction that is to be global loaded.
  4. Click on the Global Loading button on the right hand side of the Allowance/Deduction window.
    This will start the Global Load Wizard. The Global Load Wizard shows the name and code of the Allowance or Deduction being loaded.
  5. The Calculation Method field shows the method that the Allowance/Deduction has been setup with.
  6. Depending on the Calculation Method selected, a combination of the following fields will appear - Amount, Rate, Rate Type, Units and Wage Rate Code. Enter the appropriate information in these fields for the Global Loading to deal with.

    If a field is greyed out then no changes can be made to that field in the Global Load Wizard. This happens when the Allowance/Deduction Maintenance screen has information already entered for that Allowance/Deduction, i.e. Allowance is set to Fixed Dollar Amount with an Amount of $100 entered. If the information to be entered when doing the Global Loading is to be different then the setup of the Allowance/Deduction will need to be changed or a new Allowance/Deduction can be created.
  7. The Cost Centre field only appears when doing a Global Load of an Allowance. If the Allowance has already been setup with a Cost Centre in Allowance Maintenance then that Cost Centre will come through to the Global Load Wizard screen. Enter the Cost Centre that the Allowance is to be costed to if it is a specific cost centre for all employees in this Global Load.
  8. Click Next or press F8 to go to next screen.
  9. In the "Wage or Salary Employees" field, select the type of employees to load this Allowance/Deduction to, i.e. Wage, Salary or All.
  10. For the "Pays to Update", choose the pay from Standard Pay, Current Pay or One-Off Pay options.

    If Current Pay is selected then the specific Frequency such as Monthly must be selected.
  11. Click Next or press F8 to go to the next screen.
  12. If specific employees are to be paid the Allowance or Deduction, use the fields on this screen (Employees, Departments and/or Cost Centres) to set the criteria that will determine which employees will be loaded with the Allowance/Deduction.
  13. After the selection criteria have been entered then click on the Save button or press F10 to globally load the Allowance/Deduction.
    Once the Global Load is complete a message will appear advising that that Allowance/Deduction has been loaded.

Need more help? You can open the online help by pressing F1 on your keyboard while in your software.

You can also find more help resources on the MYOB Exo Employer Services Education Centre for Australia or New Zealand.

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