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Fixing the wrong date in Pay Period Times (Step 4 of the time cycle)

"Pay Period Times" (or "Step 4" of the Exo Time and Attendance Time Cycle) is used to create and check one complete Pay Period before posting the data into Payroll.

This step displays a period ending date (for each Frequency used) that must match the intended pay period in Payroll. Shown as "Pay Period End Date:" before a period is created, and "Pay Period To:" when the period is open. These dates are system-generated and cannot be edited from within the Time Cycle.

If the date for Pay Period Times in Exo Time and Attendance is not correct, start by considering the likely reasons. The most common are listed below (correction options appear in the following section).

Have pays been processed manually in Payroll without using Exo Time and Attendance?

  • For example, over the Xmas / New Year period, it is common for two or three weekly pays to be keyed directly into Payroll.
  • In this case Exo Time and Attendance simply needs to “catch up” with the missed periods.

Have pay days or frequencies been changed in Payroll? For example:

  • Changed the period ending day from (say) Friday to Sunday?
  • Moved from weekly to fortnightly pays?
  • In this case the system’s “Pay Period Status” needs to be altered. This is generally changed only as part of initial system configuration.

Correction options

Exo Time and Attendance date needs to catch up with Payroll by one or more exact periods

Situation is – the date at “Pay Period Times” is one or more complete periods behind the current date in Payroll. This would happen if pays have been processed manually in Payroll without using Exo Time and Attendance.

The answer is to Post each “unwanted” period in Exo Time and Attendance, but without adding pay data into Payroll. Any clocking times in those periods can still be found in reports.


To post each unwated period in EXO Time and Attendance
  1. Start by clicking on the Utilities menu, open “Setup Exo Time and Attendance” and click “Payroll Posting” (on the left-hand panel).
    Note the current “Payroll posting format” (this is likely to be “Exo Integrated”).
  2. Change format to “None”, click “Save” then open the Time Cycle.
  3. Use Step 4 to create the next period, then Step 6 to post the period. Make a backup when prompted.
  4. When the message “Mark pay as finished without posting to any Payroll” appears, click “Yes”.
  5. When the “Posting Completed” message appears, click OK.
  6. Repeat Step 4 and Step 6 until the required date is reached.
  7. Finally, return to the Utilities menu, open “Setup Exo Time and Attendance” and click “Payroll Posting” (on the left-hand panel).
  8. Return the “Payroll posting format” to it’s original setting and click “Save”.
    Exo Time and Attendance now displays the correct pay period date.

Exo Time and Attendance pay period date falls on a different day of the week to Payroll, but not by one or more exact periods

Situation is the period ending day has changed in Payroll – say from Friday to Sunday, or maybe pays have moved from weekly to fortnightly. This option could also be used where Exo Time and Attendance has not been used for (say) several months.

The answer is to alter the Exo Time and Attendance “Pay Period Status” settings.


To change Pay Period Status settings
  1. Click on the Utilities menu, open “Setup Exo Time and Attendance” and click “Polling” (on the left-hand panel).
  2. The “Pay Period Status” section lists pay Frequencies (eg Weekly, Fortnightly, etc). For each, the period-ending date can be edited or the Frequency enabled or disabled (by using the “Allow” check-box).
  3. Make the required change and click “Save”.
  4. The date set should now appear within “Pay Period Times”.

    A frequency that shows as “Open” (ie is already open at “Pay Period Times”) cannot be edited. An open frequency must first be posted, either into a pay or as described in the "Catch Up" option detailed above.

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You can also find more help resources on the MYOB Exo Employer Services Education Centre for Australia or New Zealand.

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