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Error 41: "Memo file is missing or invalid"

In the software several files, such as Notes, have an associated file for storing the specific details of each entry. This associated file is known as a memo file and has an extension of '.fpt'.

The "Error 41 Memo file is missing or invalid" message occurs when the 'fpt' file has been deleted or has become corrupt. There are three options

  • To eliminate the error and fix the 'fpt' file, a restore should be done. Restoring to a backup taken before the error occurred should replace the file and the error should disappear.
  • If the latest backup that was performed in the software was done several days previously to the error occurring, restoring the backup may not be an option. In this case if the software is installed on a server, rather than restoring the software's backup you could get your IT administrator to restore the payroll directory from a server backup, such as the previous nights server backup if the error only occurred that day.
  • It is possible for the ANZ Exo Support team to remove the corrupted records. Please contact the support team for more information. The support team may require either a backup of the company or a copy of the offending files e.g. If the error was in the notes table, these files would be required Notes.dbf, Notes.cdx and Notes.fpt.

Steps to fix data corruption

Fix can be done through remote access or by fixing the offending files and sending them to the client to copy into their company folder.

Step 1: To take a copy of the notes table

Command: use notes and then list noconsole to file notes.txt (file will be in the install folder).

Step 2: To find the corrupted records in the notes table
  1. Command: List Note
    This will display the contents of the NOTE field from the NOTES table. In the spreadsheet, the contents only say Memo. This will display the actual text from the NOTE field, record by record.
  2. When a corrupted record is reached, an error message will appear. Click OK.
    The last number listed in the Fox Pro command console is the Record# which is corrupted.
Step 3: To delete corrupted records
  1. Command: delete record XXX (where XXX is the Record#).
  2. If you want to keep a copy of the Note information, copy the line in the Excel spreadsheet for that Record#.
  3. You can repeat the Step 2 procedure on this page to find the next corrupted record, but to save time you can set the table position to the record before the one deleted using the GO XXX command. E.g. in the above example, you would type GO 11861.
  4. Then type LIST NOTE NEXT 10000 to display the next 10000 records from table position. If a corrupted record is found, delete and set the table position to last known valid record. Repeat until no corrupted records are found.
  5. If the LIST command runs and finds no records, check the last Record# to see if it matches the last record in the spreadsheet. If not, set the table position to this record and list again. If you reach the last record with the LIST command, all corrupted records have been removed.

Need more help? You can open the online help by pressing F1 on your keyboard while in your software.

You can also find more help resources on the MYOB Exo Employer Services Education Centre for Australia or New Zealand.

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