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Error 1805: "SQL Column – Too many queries"

MYOB Exo Payroll has many reports available for printing. The selection of which report to print depends on what information is to be reported on. When printing reports, there are different options and selection ranges that can have an effect on the information being displayed.

Some errors that may occur when printing reports, such as an 'Error 1805: SQL Column - Too many queries', can be caused by the options and selection ranges being used in the report.

These errors can occur due to having too large a range selected or there are too many selections made for the report. Examples of this include:

  • Running a report with a very large number of employees selected rather than specifying the employees that the report is for.
  • Having made selections in many of the Selection Ranges fields for a report.

To resolve an Error 1805, you'll need to:

  1. Make adjustments to the selection ranges so that they are more suitable for producing the desired report.
  2. Perform a Force Upgrade in the software. This can be done following the instructions below.


To for the software to upgrade
  1. Before you start the Force Upgrade, please make sure that all other users are logged out of EXO Payroll then click on Help and then About. In the About screen, click on the Support button at the bottom of the screen.
  2. On the Support screen, in the middle of the page, is another button called Force Upgrade. Clicking on this button will generate a warning message advising not to use this function unless instructed to. Accept this warning by clicking Yes then click on OK on the next message.
  3. After accepting the screens, click on Exit to get out of the Support Diagnostics screen then exit out of MYOB Exo Payroll completely. Start up MYOB Exo Payroll again and it will go to the Upgrade Software screen where it will ask which companies are to be backed up. Click on Upgrade Now and the software will make a backup of the company data for the selected companies then continue the upgrade process.
  4. Once the Force Upgrade has completed, log in to the payroll company then try re-running the report with changes made to the selection ranges that are more suitable to get the desired report.

Need more help? You can open the online help by pressing F1 on your keyboard while in your software.

You can also find more help resources on the MYOB Exo Employer Services Education Centre for Australia or New Zealand.

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