Error 1734: "Property HP_METHOD is not found" (Australia)
Errors can occur when running the software due to many possible different causes such as:
- information setup or entered incorrectly
- corruption of data or files
- changes made in the environment that the software has not been updated for
- user's rights are setup incorrectly or have been changed
When doing a termination pay in the Australian version of MYOB Exo Payroll, an "Error 1734 Property HP_METHOD is not found" message may occur after clicking on the Termination Wizard button. This error may happen for some employees but not others in the payroll company.
The setup of the Annual Leave Group assigned to the employees contributes to this error occurring.
Annual leave group setup screen

Annual Leave Groups are setup with 'Annual Leave Entitlement' as well as 'Full Time Hours Per Year' which is used in the calculation of leave accrual for the employees. If these fields are left empty then the employee will not accrue any Annual Leave when they are assigned this Group, even when new Entitlement lines are added to the employees Annual Leave setup.
Entitlement lines added in employee

If the "Error 1734" message occurs when the Termination Wizard button has been clicked, this will be due to the empty fields setup in the Annual Leave Group assigned to the employee.
With the employee accruing no Annual Leave due to the setup of the Group, remove the Annual Leave Group from the employee's Leave Entitlements screen then redo the termination and the Termination Wizard should not experience the error. If the employee should have been accruing Annual Leave then the incorrect Group should be removed from the employee, a new Group is assigned then any changes are made as required to show the expected balance.
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You can also find more help resources on the MYOB Exo Employer Services Education Centre for Australia or New Zealand.