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Difference in figures between IRD reports and other reports (New Zealand)

The difference in figures between reports can often be caused by the dates used for the pays.

In the MYOB Exo Payroll software there are two dates used by pays - the Pay Period End Date and the Physical Payment Date. The Pay Period End Date is the ending date of the period the pay is for, while the Physical Payment Date is the date of when the pay was actually paid to the employees.

Those reports in the IRD tab use the Physical Payment Date to report on while most reports in the other tabs use the Pay Period End Date. Often pays have a Pay Period End Date in one month, e.g. January and a Physical Payment Date in a different month, e.g. February. When this situation occurs, the IRD reports will show the pay in the month the Physical Payment Date is in while the other reports will show the pay in the month the Pay Period End Date is in.

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