BundyPlus G6 time clock documents and manuals (2015 version)
The BundyPlus G6-series is a time clock adopted by MYOB's Enterprise Division from 2011 onwards and is used with the MYOB Exo Time and Attendance software.
Clocks supplied from August 2015 onwards have a new "Lumidigm" Biometric fingerprint scanner. This "2015" model has improved features and needs a later version of the BundyPlus "ClockComms" software. This document covers the new clocks and relevant differences.
2015 and 2011 clocks can work alongside each other on the same network and with the same MYOB software:
- The new scanner reads and stores fingerprints in a different way. This means fingerprints cannot be backed up and restored between 2011 and 2015 versions, and employees need to re-enroll when first using a "2015" clock.
- This document focuses on "Biometric" clocking (ie staff scan their finger for identification). "Card-reader" options are also available.
- ClockComms software and product manuals are available via links below.
- If working exclusively with "2011" clocks, continue to use the older documentation.
2015 features
There are several ways Employees can clock in and out - these new "Clocking modes" are:
- Identification (authenticated) – the Default - Employee scans finger, clock displays their number or name, and they press "Yes" (assuming they've been identified correctly).
- Identification (un-authenticated) – employee scans finger, clock displays their number or name (assuming a match is found) - no further action is needed.
- Verification – identical to using the "2011" version. Employee keys their number, hits Enter, then scans finger.
The selected mode is set within the clock's "Configuration" Menu (using item 12.3). These clocks also support "PIN Verification" (exactly as 2011 version) where employees key their number, press enter, and then key a PIN number.
Finger Enrolment is similar to the 2011 version and is not affected by clocking mode. The differences are:
- Finger is guided by shape of sensor surround (instead of the "ridge" that locates the finger joint on 2011 version).
- Employees need to scan their finger three times (prompted by on-screen commands). Scans are averaged to create one biometric template.
- There is no longer an option to use multiple fingers per employee (due to improved sensor performance). If it is vital to provide a second finger, employee could be setup to use two card numbers and enroll twice.
ClockComms "MYOB Edition" and manuals
These clocks once came with "ClockComms Version 6.5 - MYOB edition" and manuals on a CD - current version and manuals are now available by download from the vendor's website. Vital to use the "MYOB Edition" with MYOB Exo Time and Attendance. Latest version should be compatible with all "G6 Series" clocks - some older versions might not be able to access "Daylight Savings" updates for current year.
This link allows download of latest Clockcomms MYOB version direct from Time-clock vendor.
This link goes to a page on Vendor's website with clock manuals - in Hardware section click "G6-Series Timeclock", then click "Documents" on next screen. These are a good starting point:
- Bio-Facts (PDF) - explains clocking modes.
- G6 Biometric Registration and Sensor Maintenance (PDF) - covers finger enrolment.
- G6 Configuration (PDF) - the "main manual" - explains all options available within the clock.
ClockComms installation and use is very similar to earlier versions and has an identical "Setup Wizard". Differences and points to note are:
- MYOB recommend installing in "\Payrollv\Bundyplus". This means a subfolder called "Bundyplus" within the existing Payroll installation folder. The location might default to "C:\BundyPlusV3" but can be changed.
- This gives settings consistent with existing clients and installations. Any "2011" clock settings already in this folder will be imported.
- As with any software it is good practice to close all other programs before installing.
- After installation, MYOB recommend changing one "default" setting. Open the ClockComms "Maintenance Centre" then "Application settings" and "Network and Modem settings". Tick "Enable Advanced Addressing", save and exit.
- This change means Clock IDs and Site IDs will display in the "Time Clocks" section. These settings must match whatever exists within each Clock and within Time and Attendance (and otherwise might default to 9999).
- The "Advanced" option also allows the setting of a unique "Telnet Port Number" for each clock. The default "3001" is normally correct, unless the client's environment and security settings require different ports.
Telling the difference between 2015 and 2011 version Time-clocks
"2015" (new) clocks - finger sensor has a curvy black surround, surface is transparent and (with power connected) emits a Blue light. "Arrow-shaped" lights either side of sensor flash when scanning:
- Firmware version = 008.nnn.nnn
- ClockComms - must use version 6.5.0 or later.
Old "2011" clocks - finger sensor has a square black surround, a yellow/gold frame, and a "Bio" logo on top left corner. "Bar-shaped" lights either side of sensor flash when scanning:
- Firmware version = 007.nnn.nnn
- ClockComms - fine with versions from 6.0.n up to and including those for "2015" clocks.
Using 2011 and 2015 clocks in the same environment
As mentioned above, both versions can work together with the same software installation and Payroll companies.
Because "Old" 2011 clocks are compatible with the new ClockComms version, we suggest upgrading ClockComms within it's existing location. This is the simplest option and means:
- There is only one "BundyPlus" folder and ClockComms installation.
- Similar settings exist across all clocks and software (including within Time and Attendance).
Because the two versions store finger-scans in a different format:
- Fingerprints cannot be backed up and restored between 2011 and 2015 versions.
- Employees need to re-enroll when first using a new 2015 clock.
- Where an employee needs to clock on both versions, they need to be enrolled on both.
"2011" clocks (assuming in good condition) can be upgraded to the "2015" scanner and functionality. Contact your Business Partner or MYOB Account Manager (whoever supplied the clock) for pricing. Process involves shipping clock to the manufacturer.
Related support notes
See KB article ID 33974 for information on the "old" 2011 version Time-clocks.
Need more help? You can open the online help by pressing F1 on your keyboard while in your software.
You can also find more help resources on the MYOB Exo Employer Services Education Centre for Australia or New Zealand.