Adding a public holiday date for use in a statutory holiday group
Public Holidays are for the observance of days of national, religious, or cultural significance. Employees are entitled to a paid day off on a public holiday if it would otherwise be a normal working day.
If an employee works on a public holiday, those hours will normally be paid at increased rates such as "Time and a Half".
MYOB Exo Time and Attendance has the ability to automatically process Public Holidays, whether the employee has worked on the day or not. This is done using Statutory Holiday Groups.
Once Statutory Holiday Groups have been set up, the Groups are then assigned to the employees. MYOB Exo Time and Attendance will recognise when a Public Holiday should be applied to an employee based on the settings in the Group assigned to the employee and will process the employee's day according to the Daily Rules in that Statutory Holiday Group.
Statutory Holiday Groups apply the specified Daily Rules for the Public Holiday day based on whether the employee worked on the day or not. Employees can also accrue entitlements to Alternative Leave (NZ) or Lieu Day (Australia) depending on the setting in the Statutory Holiday Group.
MYOB Exo Time and Attendance already has default Public Holiday dates but extra dates can be added if required.
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