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Accruing leave using the Percentage Entitlement Only method (New Zealand)

The "Percentage Entitlement Only" method accrues a $ figured based on what has been paid in the pays that have been processed for the employee.

This method can be used for a Fixed Term employee, Casual or Seasonal Casual employees who are going to work for a specific period of time where they are not going to accrue any Holiday Days/Hours and are not being paid any Holiday Pay each pay period.

This article applies when Holiday Pay is setup in Days or Hours. When Holiday Pay is setup in Weeks, refer to White Papers available here.

Once a pay is updated then the Amount Field in the Accrued column will update with a percentage of the pay processed. When the Current Pay is updated then the "This Year Accrued To" date updates to the "Pay Period End Date" of the next Current Pay to be processed to reflect that, at the time of the next Current Pay, the Accrued figure is what the employee has available.


The above screenshot shows that the employee has been paid for 35 days for $4200.00. The Holiday Pay has accrued $336.00 for this Employee but no specific days have been accrued due to being on this method.

Once this Employee has finished the Fixed Term, Seasonal Work or their Casual period, then they can be terminated in the Current Pay using the Termination Wizard. So long as the employee worked for less than a year then the Termination will calculate the same figure when leaving as is showing in the Holiday Pay Tab.

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You can also find more help resources on the MYOB Exo Employer Services Education Centre for Australia or New Zealand.

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