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Upgrade Error: Job Costing 2021.2 "String or binary data would be truncated" for "Creating Job Costing Right Click Menu Options for Quotes."

When upgrading to version 2021.2 of MYOB Exo Business or later with Job Costing, you might get the following error:


Creating Job Costing Right Click Menu Options for Quotes.

An error occurred while running the DBUpdate:

String or binary data would be truncated


This error stops the upgrade from completing.

What causes the error?

This is hapopening because the length of PROFILE_FIELDS & PROFILE_VALUES has been exnteded in this version.

For cases we have seen, this has been traced to custom triggers on the PROFILE_FIELDS table, which were having problems updating another table with audit records. Please check your PROFILE_FIELDS/PROFILE_VALUES tables, and if there is a trigger, make sure that the data being output is either truncated before being written ( by using LEFT() calls) or increase the length of where the output data is being stored.

To fix the error

Check your customizations and database triggers to make sure that you aren't causing a string truncation error for the DEFAULTVALUE field..


JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.