Known issue: Grid Widget Hyperlinks can't sort by a hyperlinked column
The following issue has been identified and subsequently replicated by MYOB Support in EXO Business versions 8.5.0 to 8.6.0.
Before upgrading your clients please take into consideration the following issues especially if the site has specific requirements in these areas.
As always we recommend that thorough testing in a non-live environment is undertaken before commencing an upgrade.
Support has confirmed that When using Grid Widget Hyperlinks, you can return data to screen but you can't sort results by a hyperlinked column.
When the grid results are returned after running the URL widget, clicking on a url-based column doesn't change the sort order.
Can create separate fields for the order number and the hyperlink to open it (i.e. the order number is a regular column and the hyperlink opens it).
Attached to Problem ticket 12517525628 for resolution in a future release.