Known issue 8.4: Debtors and Creditors adjustment screens not picking up sub accounts
The following issue has been identified and subsequently replicated by MYOB Support in EXO Business version 8.4.
Before upgrading your clients please take into consideration the following issues especially if the site has specific requirements in these areas.
As always we recommend that thorough testing in a non-live environment is undertaken before commencing an upgrade.
Support has confirmed that the Debtors and Creditors adjustment screens do not pick up the sub account from the control accounts.
As it stands, EXO puts adjustments into the main control account by default, ignoring the sub accounts where they should go by user intent. Unless a user remembers to manually set for the right sub account, adjustments will just go into the main control, which doesn’t fit the user’s exact accounting setup.
Users must manually change to the right sub account when making an adjustment.
Attached to Problem ticket 12121759452 to be resolved in a future release.