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Known issue 2016.3: Manual price update followed by quantity update do not refresh the screen instantly

The following issue has been identified and subsequently replicated by MYOB Support in EXO Business versions 2016.3 onwards

Before upgrading your clients please take into consideration the following issues especially if the site has specific requirements in these areas.

As always we recommend that thorough testing in a non-live environment is undertaken before commencing an upgrade.


Support have confirmed that in the new purchase order grid after adding the stock item, manual price update refreshes the screen with new total, but if the quantity is changed without saving the screen, purchase order line total is updated but the ‘Sub Total and Order Total’ value is not updated until the mouse pointer is moved to next line.


Click on ‘Save’ after update a column value.


Attached to Problem ticket 140078791419 for resolution in a future release.

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.