Known issue 2015.5: Generate Credit note' function not creating stock transaction to replenish relevant Stock Item
The following issue has been identified and subsequently replicated by MYOB Support in EXO Business versions 2015.5
Before upgrading your clients please take into consideration the following issues especially if the site has specific requirements in these areas.
As always we recommend that thorough testing in a non-live environment is undertaken before commencing an upgrade.
Support have confirmed that in some instances, after upgrading to 2015.5, a change in behaviour occurs when utilising the ability to right click "Generate credit" feature for debtor invoices.
In 2015.5 when generating a credit note, the correct journals and stock movements are not being created. From a stock perpective, the stock item does not get put back into stock. From the General Ledger perspective journal is created to adjust stock on hand. However, the Debtors journal for Debtors Control and Sales is generated when creating the General Ledger posting.
Attached to Problem ticket 127043737215 for resolution in a future release