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KI (All) - Total Creditors and Total Debtors widget sorts period in alpha order


Support has confirmed that the Total Creditors Widget sort's a period in alpha order rather than date.

The periods in the Total Creditors widget in Business Analytics are not sorted in period order e.g. they display April, June, May.


SQL Code to replace Total Creditors

select cast(sum(SalesValueUnallocated) as money) as Amount,
'0. Overdue' as Period
from Analytics_PurchaseTransaction
where duedate < getdate()
select cast(sum(SalesValueUnallocated) as money) as Amount,
CONCAT( AgePeriod,'. ',DATENAME(month, DueDate)) as Period
from Analytics_PurchaseTransaction
where duedate >= getdate()
group by PeriodName,DATENAME(month, DueDate),AgePeriod
order by Period

SQL Code to replace Total Debtors

select cast(sum(SalesValueUnallocated) as money) as Amount,
'0. Overdue' as Period
from Analytics_SaleTransaction
where duedate < getdate()
select cast(sum(SalesValueUnallocated) as money) as Amount,
CONCAT( AgePeriod,'. ',DATENAME(month, DueDate)) as Period
from Analytics_SaleTransaction
where duedate >= getdate()
group by PeriodName,DATENAME(month, DueDate),AgePeriod
order by Period




Attached to Problem ticket 11964596015 to be resolved in a future release.

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

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