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Troubleshooting integration to Microsoft Outlook / Microsoft 365 (MAPI)

As you’re probably aware, MAPI (Messaging Application Programming Interface (MAPI)) is the API for sending emails into Microsoft Outlook. It’s the officially approved method for sending emails to Outlook, it’s also routinely broken by Microsoft shifting the goalposts.
There are a range of errors that come up with MAPI/Outlook integration, this article is aimed at consolidating as many as possible of these together.

Basic troubleshooting steps

Questions for end users when reporting they can’t email are:

  • What error message do you get?
  • Do you get the same problem if emailing a clarity report?
  • Do you get the same problem if using the Send Email menu option?
  • (May need to be added to their menu)
  • Has anything changed about your Email program recently?
  • Has anything changed about your Email server recently?

Things to try, general

  • MINIMUM VERSION: Microsoft Office 365/Microsoft Office 2016 and later require at least Exo Business 2015.5 to run. If you have recently updated your Microsoft Office version, and are on a very old version of Exo, you will need to update to the latest version.
  • Run the Exo Client Installer for your version of Exo on that computer. This will make sure that the right version of the RWEasyMAPI drivers are installed on your computer. (These are required by Exo to send emails via Outlook.)

If you need an upgrade or a copy of the client Installer, please contact your Business Partner to receive it.

Backup Options if you can’t fix using the below options:

You can always use the Exonet SMTP sender to send emails. These need to be configured per user, but can be done by following the Help article for Setting Up > Sending Emails

If configuring the SMTP sender, it is strongly recommended to BCC (Blind Carbon Copy) your regular email address, this way although the emails won’t appear in your Sent box, you can verify that you received a copy, and see exactly what your clients received.

General Problem cases

Errors ending with “Is not supported by Simple MAPI.”

Screenshot of a Simple MAPI error.

The most common cause of this style of error is that MAPI drivers aren’t fully configured as part of Windows. This happens most commonly on OEM copies of Windows which come with Microsoft Office preinstalled.
Client hint: If you’ve just bought a new computer, this could be you.

Fixing simple MAPI errors

To resolve this error please run a Repair Installation of Outlook. This usually fixes the MAPI instance.

Session errors referencing the message Store/MAPI_E_FAILONEPROVIDER

Examples of which include:

  • [SafeCall Exception]: TRwMAPIMsgStore.OpenEntry has raised the following exception: MAPI_E_FAILONEPROVIDER (-2147221219=0x8004011D).
  • TRwMAPIMsgStore.OpenEntry has raised the following exception: MAPI_E_FAILONEPROVIDER (-2147221219=0x8004011D).
  • Component MAPI 1.0 caused: The information store could not be opened. (TSession.GetMsgStore).
  • TSession.Logon has raised the following exception: MAPI_E_CALL_FAILED (-2147467259=0x80004005).

The above errors (and a host of related messages) may indicate problems accessing the Message Store. When Outlook 365 is in use the default configuration for Exo is to work using the Online Message Store.

Fix for message store errors

Starting with Exo 2018.3, there is an additional profile that business partners can access:


Screenshot of Profile contents

This is configured on by default. (This matches to past behaviour of Exo).

Changing this profile to off makes Exo use the local message store instead of the online message store.

Please note, this profile is hidden by default and will need a business partner to change.

For Partners only full discussion of this error and things to try can be found on the community forum.

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