It can be hard to remember all the different functions in MYOB Exo. So, here's some tips and shortcuts you can use to make your day a little simpler.
Opening the stock search window
There's a quick way to open the Stock Search window on most screens—for example, the Sales Orders, Purchase Orders, Creditor Invoice and Debtor Invoice screens.
Simply type ? in the Stock Code field, then press Tab on your keyboard.
Opening the bill of materials search window
On the Sales Orders and Debtor Invoice screens, there's a quick way to open the Bill of Materials Search window.
Simply type . in the Stock Code field, then press Tab on your keyboard.
Opening the general ledger account search window
On the Purchase Orders and Debtor Invoice screens, there's a quick way to open the General Ledger Account Search window.
Simply type @ in the Stock Code field, then press Tab on your keyboard.
Recording user details in the notes tab
It can be useful to know when someone has been working in MYOB Exo. That's why there's a quick way to record your details to the Notes tab. This works on most pages—for example, the Debtor, Creditor, Stock and Contact Notes, History Notes, Job Description and Job Notes screens.
Simply press Ctrl + T on your keyboard. Your account type and the time you were working appear in the Notes tab.
Customising search screens
To see information that's most relevant to you, there's a few ways you can customise screens that have a search feature (e.g. the Debtor, Creditor, Stock Item Details and Jobs screens).
Choosing columns
To choose which columns are shown on a screen, right-click on the header row and select Select visible columns.
Then, in the Visible Columns window, you can select which columns you want to see.
You can also ask your Exo consultant to add your extra fields to the Visible Columns window.
Changing the position of a column
To change the position of columns, drag a column into the spot you want. You'll see a vertical black line that shows which spot it's in.
Make sure you save your changes. Right-click on the column header and select Save column settings.
Ordering data by column
You can use columns to change the order of data listed on a screen. Simply click the column header you want to order by. For example, the data in the screenshot below is ordered by Stock Group (Fine), as shown by the black arrow in the column header.
Copying data into Microsoft Excel
You can copy data from a search screen and paste it into a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet.
Right-click on search results and select Copy to clipboard.
Select Yes in the Copy To Clipboard window.
Open a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet.
Press Ctrl + V to paste the search results.
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