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Stocktake transactions shows in stock clearing/suspense instead of stock adjustments

In Exo, the stocktake feature uses a comparative stock take method and reports discrepancies between counted and computer stock levels. If your stocktake adjustment transactions are being incorrectly coded to a Stock clearing/Suspense account instead of Stock Adjustments, it's likely that the stocktake profile for first time stocktakes is enabled.

To change this, disable the first stocktake profile (STOCKTAKE_INITCOSTPRICE). You can also run a script to update profile with a more accurate description.

Disabling the first time stocktake profile
  1. Go to the MYOB Exo Configurator screen.
  2. Search for the profile name STOCKTAKE_INITCOSTPRICE.
  3. Disable the profile.
Updating the profile description

Run script below to add a more accurate description of the STOCKTAKE_INITCOSTPRICE profile:


SET NOTES= 'Only to be used when configuring new Systems and performing initial stocktake.

Will make all Stocktake adjustments post as RECEIPTS, (TRANSTYPE=1) instead of Adjustments (3,4).

Makes all postings come from the Stock Clearing account (STOCKSUSPENSE) instead of from Stock Variance.'




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