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OnTheGo/API: Error when opening debtor or sales order


The OnTheGo application returns a message "An error has occurred" when opening a debtor or sales order (but not prospects, contacts, items or the map).

The resulting log file contains something like the following:

  • 2014-06-18 21:10:14.7909:ExceptionAttributes:20:ERROR:UNHANDLED EXCEPTION Extra fields [pass_word] are missing from table ?. Add fields to the table or remove field definition from EXTRA_FIELDS.
    EXCEPTION: System.Exception: Extra fields [pass_word] are missing from table ?. Add fields to the table or remove field definition from EXTRA_FIELDS.
    at MYOB.ED.EXO.Cloud.Model.Repository.EntityExtraFieldsHelper.SetExtraFields(ISupportExtraFields entity, Object data)
    at MYOB.ED.EXO.Cloud.Model.Repository.DebtorRepository.Map(Object data)
    at System.Linq.Enumerable.WhereSelectListIterator`2.MoveNext()
    at System.Linq.Enumerable.FirstOrDefault[TSource](IEnumerable`1 source)
    at MYOB.ED.EXO.Cloud.Model.Repository.DebtorRepository.Get(Int32 id)
    at MYOB.ED.EXO.Cloud.API.Controllers.V1.DebtorController.GetInternal(Int32 id, ODataQueryOptions`1 options)
    at MYOB.ED.EXO.Cloud.API.Controllers.V1.BaseResourceController`2.DoGet(TId id, ODataQueryOptions`1 options)
    at System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1.InnerInvoke()
    at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Execute()

In the above example:

The column "EXTRA_FIELDS.FIELDNAME" contains the value in the log file and this value is either not in the database, or is in a different case to the column in the database.

Specific Solution

Either delete the extra field definition if the field no longer exists in the database, or ensure the case of the field and the FIELDNAME column in the EXTRA_FIELDS table match.

General Solution

Refer to the related articles for API Logging, Data Validation & Schema Information. Almost all "An error has occurred" errors indicate data validation problems.

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