Enforcing transaction period dates
This article explains how the "Enforce transaction period dates during invoice entry" profile works.
Do not enforce
When the profile is set to “Do not Enforce” there will be no link between the transaction date and the period, meaning that the user will be able to post a transaction to any open period.
- User enters a transaction date of 01/10/2008 and tabs out of the field.
Period is NOT changed automatically. - User modifies the period to Sept08.
Period is successfully changed to Sept08. - User saves the transaction.
Transaction is successfully saved.
AutoEnforce will automatically set the period to match that of the transaction date.
- User enters a transaction date of 01/10/2008 and tabs out of the field
Period is automatically change to Oct08 User modifies the period to Sept08
Error message is displayed, on OK period is set back to match the trans. dateIf the trans. date is a future dated transaction but is in the current period the transaction will be saved without error.
The enforce period option will behave in the same way as the auto enforce option however it will prompt the user before updating the period to match the transaction. It will not allow you to save the transaction if the trans. date is outside of the period selected.
For example:
- User enters a transaction date of 01/10/2008 and tabs out of the field
If the trans date is outside the period the following message is displayed A) User select ‘Yes’
The period is updated to match the trans date
B) User selects ‘No’
The period is left unchanged, if the user attempts to save the transaction and the trans. date is outside of the period and error message is displayed and you cannot proceed.If the trans. date is a future dated transaction but is in the current period the transaction will be saved without error.