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STP2 - Employee Income Stream Type

The Single Touch Payroll expansion, also called STP Phase 2, comes into effect from 1 January 2022. Under STP Phase 2, more information is reported to the ATO; however, the way you submit STP returns does not change.

For more information, see "Expanding Single Touch Payroll (Phase 2)" on the ATO website.

Updating Income Stream Types after upgrading

On upgrading MYOB Exo Employer Services to 2021.09 or later, default values will be entered for employees’ income stream types and tax treatment codes. The first time you open Exo Employer Services after upgrading to 2021.09 or later, a window will appear, showing you an overview of the changes that have been made to each employee record:

This window shows all current employees and any employees who were terminated after 1 July 2021.

Open this window from the Pay menu at Single Touch Payroll > STP Phase 2 - What's New.

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