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Remuneration History

MYOB Exo Employee Information keeps a log of changes to employees' salary or wages. Where it is integrated with MYOB Exo Payroll, the payroll automatically generates a note every time there is a change to an employee's salary or hourly rate. These notes are displayed in Employee Information, where new notes can be added.

Access an employee's remuneration history by clicking the Remuneration History button on the Other tab of the Employee Maintenance window.

To add a remuneration note, click the Add button. To edit an existing note, select the plan and click Edit. Notes are added and edited on the following window:

Date Today's date is automatically entered.

Note Type Enter a Note Type for the note. If you do not know the code you require, press enter in this field to select a Note Type from a list.

Authorised By Enter the name of the person that authorised the change in remuneration.

Date From / To Enter the date(s) that the current wages/salary apply from/to.

Comments Enter any additional comments relating to the change in remuneration.

User Defined

The User Defined tab contains extra generic fields that may be used to customise your data. You can rename some of the "User Defined" fields, and use them to track information that may not have been included in the set screens provided with the system.

With User Defined Fields you can extend the power of the Exo Employee Information system to record items of interest that are not otherwise covered elsewhere.

The following types of User Defined Field are available:

  • Logical - Place a tick in the box to turn on a logical field.
  • Date - Enter a date in the format dd/mm/yyyy.
  • Text - Enter a short comment here.
  • Memo - Enter a long comment or description here. It can run over several lines.

To give a meaningful name to a field, double-click on the "User Defined" name; this will make the caption editable.

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