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Phone List

The Phone List tab serves as a quick reference for identifying and contacting staff via telephone or email should they be unable to check the Inbox at MyStaffInfo.

Form field definitions

The details of this web page form are detailed in the table below:




The group selector will only be visible for employees who are also marked as Managers. The default group is named <My Details>. This particular group is not a true employee group - it is merely a placeholder for managers to access their own timesheets without having to first select the employee group to which they themselves belong.

In the situation of the Manager being responsible for more than one employee group, it is important that the correct group is selected from the list box, so that in turn, the appropriate set of employees in that group are accessible to match transactions against. Take care to ensure that each group is activated in succession if you miss the selection of a group, you will also have missed out all of the employees belonging to that group.



The employee's full name will be displayed here.

External Mail

The employee's public Internet email address will be displayed here. Click the link to open your Internet email program. By using Internet email you have the added advantage of being able to send file attachments.


The employee's contact telephone number will be displayed here if desired. This is security-controlled for privacy. By default, phone numbers will be masked, unless the employee has marked as being allowed to view them, in the Head Office User Security screen.


The employee's cellular telephone number will be displayed here.

Printing the Phone List

Click the Print button to display a standard print dialog, which will allow you to print the phone list to the printer of your choice.

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