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Leave Tab

Annual Leave

  • Print each department/cost centre on a new page - start a new page for each department/cost centre, when sorting by department/cost centre.
  • Hide staff with 0 balance - employees who do not currently have an annual leave entitlement will not show.

Days Taken

  • Print each department/cost centre on a new page - start a new page for each department/cost centre, when sorting by department/cost centre.

Leave Balances

  • Print each department/cost centre on a new page - start a new page for each department/cost centre, when sorting by department/cost centre.
  • Hide annual leave entitlement - don't show currently outstanding annual leave.
  • Hide sick entitlement - don't show currently outstanding sick pay.
  • Hide long service entitlement - don't show currently outstanding long service leave.
  • Hide lieu entitlement - don't show currently outstanding lieu time.
  • Hide shift leave entitlement - don't show currently outstanding shift leave.
  • Hide other leave entitlement - don't show currently outstanding other leave.
  • Show Terminated Employees - includes ex-employees in the report
  • Hide annual leave valuation - don't show the value of annual leave
  • Hide sick leave valuation - don't show the value of sick leave.
  • Hide long service leave valuation - don't show the value of long service leave.
  • Hide lieu valuation - don't show the value of lieu time.
  • Hide shift leave valuations - don't show the value of shift leave.
  • Hide other leave valuations - don't show the value of other leave.
  • Hide carer's leave - don't show the current outstanding carer's leave.
  • Hide carer's leave valuation - don't show the value of carer's leave.
  • Hide employees with zero leave balance - don't show employees with a zero leave balance.
  • Hide Rostered Days Off - don't show the RDO Hours column.
  • Hide Rostered Days Off valuation - don't show the RDO Value column.
  • Show Extra Fields - by default, the report shows Rostered Days Off information; you can use this setting to show User-Defined Leave in place of Rostered Days Off.

Leave Paid

  • Print each department/cost centre on a new page - start a new page for each department/cost centre, when sorting by department/cost centre.
  • Hide employees with no leave paid - show only the employees who were paid leave, within the given date range.
  • Detail report - if the report is over a selected date range, show a date and total units of leave paid for each pay.
  • Summary report - if the report is over a selected date range, show only the total units of leave paid across all pays within the given date range.

Leave - Dates Absent

  • Print each department/cost centre on a new page - start a new page for each department/cost centre, when sorting by department/cost centre.

Lieu Days/Hours

  • Show History - if the report is over a selected date range, show a date and the lieu time worked or taken for each pay.
  • Print each department/cost centre on a new page - start a new page for each department/cost centre, when sorting by department/cost centre.

Long Service Leave

  • Print each department/cost centre on a new page - start a new page for each department/cost centre, when sorting by department/cost centre.
  • Don't show staff with zero balance - employees who do not currently have a long service entitlement will not show.

Personal Leave

  • Print each department/cost centre on a new page - start a new page for each department/cost centre, when sorting by department/cost centre.
  • Hide employees with no leave paid - prevent employees who were not paid sick leave or carer's leave from appearing on the report.
  • Detail report - if the report is over a selected date range, this report shows a date and the total units of leave paid for each pay.
  • Summary report - if the report is over a selected date range, this report shows only the total units of leave paid, it doesn't show individual transactions.

Personal Leave Entitlement

  • New page per Department - start a new page for each department code.
  • Don't show staff with 0 balance - hide employees who have no personal leave outstanding.

Rostered Days Off Balances

  • Show terminated employees - includes ex-employees in the report (recommended).

Rostered Days Off History

  • Show terminated employees - include ex-employees in the report (recommended).
  • Detail/Summary - in detail view, if the report is over a selected date range, show a date and number of hours accrued or taken for each pay, rather than just a summary of hours accrued and taken.

Unpaid Leave

  • Print each department/cost centre on a new page - start a new page for each department/cost centre, when sorting by department/cost centre.


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