Once you are in the Maintain times window, select the appropriate employee by entering their Employee Code or clicking the Find button.
Once the employee is on the screen double-click on the Daily Rule you want to change. (Check the date of the Daily Rule on the left to make sure you change the right day.)
Once you have selected the appropriate Daily Rule the Edit Times for Day window appears. Change is the Daily Rule to the Sick Pay Daily Rule. (If you do not know the Sick Pay Daily Rule code make sure the Daily Rule box is blank then press enter; this will display a list of all available Daily Rules for you.)
If the employee did not clock in on the day in question, Time and Attendance may have invalidated the day. To reverse this, untick the Times Are Invalid option at the top right.
Click the Generate Units button. On the Generate Units window, adjust the number of Payroll Units to Pay. (The default is 8.00 units to pay - if this is not correct, change the number of units to the appropriate amount.)
Click Save on the Generate Units window, then Save on the Edit Times For Day window Maintain Times screen, and finally click Save on the Maintain Times window.
Part Day Sick Pay
Select Maintain Times from the Transactions menu.
Once you are in the Maintain times window, select the appropriate employee by entering their Employee Code or clicking the Find button.
Once the employee is on the screen double-click on the Daily Rule you want to change. (Check the date of the Daily Rule on the left to make sure you change the right day.)
Once you have selected the appropriate Daily Rule the Edit Times for Day window appears. Change is the Daily Rule to the Sick Pay Daily Rule. (If you do not know the Sick Pay Daily Rule code make sure the Daily Rule box is blank then press enter; this will display a list of all available Daily Rules for you.)
The next step is then to add a new time line for the day. Click the Add button. This enables the fields at the bottom of the window, where you can enter the hours the employee was on holiday. Once you have entered the hours the next step is to move across to the Exception field and enter the code for Part Day Sick Pay. (This is normally SPP).
Click the Generate Units button. On the Generate Units window, adjust the number of Payroll Units to Pay. (The default is 4.00 units to pay - if this is not correct, change the number of units to the appropriate amount.)
NOTE: You should enter a something in each field, taking care to enter hours and minutes when asked for hours, and hours and decimals when asked for units, e.g. 4 and a half hours would be entered at either 4:30 hours or 4.5 units.
Click Save on the Generate Units window, then Save on the Edit Times For Day window Maintain Times screen, and finally click Save on the Maintain Times window.
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