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Contact Detail

The Contact Details tab of the Employee Maintenance window holds contact details for the employee. The employee's contact details are added from MYOB Exo Payroll if the system is being operated as an integrated system. However you will need to enter the additional information such as the employees cell phone and email address if applicable.

NOTE: To comply with the Privacy Act 1988, you can restrict access to this tab using access rights settings on the User Security window.

Enter the following details into the relevant fields:

Employee Contact Details

Enter the following address details for the employee:

  • Postal Address
  • Postal Suburb
  • Postal State and Post Code
  • Phone number
  • Mobile phone number
  • Internal telephone extension
  • Email address
  • Home Address
  • Home Suburb
  • Home City

Emergency Contact

Enter the following details for the employee's emergency contact person:

  • Name
  • Address
  • Suburb
  • City
  • Phone number

Supervisor Details

Enter the following details for the employee's supervisor:

  • Name
  • Email address
  • Phone number
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