Assign employees to employee groups
Common Tasks > Manager > Assign employees to employee groups
This is the third task in the Managers group, and is where you classify employees into employee groups. An employee may appear in more than one employee group.
Managers should not be members of any group that they manage. This will interfere with the security settings that affect managers' ability to edit group members' details.
Group Ensure that you have the correct group, before attempting to select employees for that group. The mover list will not be enabled until you have selected a group for which to perform maintenance.
Available users
To move a user from the Available window to the Selected users window:
select the user and then click the [>] button
click the [>>] button (this will assign all users)
select the user and drag the selection to the Selected users window.
Selected users
To move a user from the Selected users window to the Available users window:
select the user and then click the [<] button
click the [<<] button (this will assign all users)
select the user and drag the selection to the Available users window.
To select more than one employee for inclusion or removal, hold down the CTRL key while selecting employees. To select a group, click on the first employee name then hold down the Shift key and click a name further down the list. A combination of these methods can be used, just remember to hold down CTRL when selecting more, otherwise your selection will be lost.
Once finished, click the Save button to commit your changes to the selected users list.
Click Cancel to discard your changes.
Click the Exit button to return to the management console.
Edit Selected User
Some users cannot be moved to the Selected side of the mover-list. The most likely cause is that there is a required field for the current user that is either empty or whose value is being used by another user. To correct this, you can highlight the user in question, and then click the Edit Selected User button.
Press Save or F10 to commit your changes to the Employee Maintenance screen.