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Add or Remove employees as MyStaffInfo users

Common Tasks > Employees > Add/Remove employees as MyStaffInfo users

This is the first task in the Employees group, and is where you select the employees whose information will be available on MyStaffInfo. Any employee who is not selected for inclusion will not be provided a login account to the website. Similarly, any employee who is not selected for inclusion cannot be accorded "Manager" status.

Available employees

To move an employee/s from the Available window to the Selected window:

  • select the employee(s) and then click the [>] button

  • click the [>>] button (this will assign all employees) - use this button with caution

  • select the employee(s) and drag the selection to the Selected employees window.

If an employee cannot be moved, it's because they have details missing.

Selected employees

To move an employee/s from the Selected window to the Available window:

  • select the employee/s and then click the [<] button

  • click the [<<] button (this will remove all employees) - use this button with caution

  • select the employee/s and drag the selection to the Available employees window.

To select more than one employee for inclusion or removal, hold down the CTRL key while selecting employees. To select a group, click on the first employee name then hold down the Shift key and click a name further down the list. A combination of these methods can be used, just remember to hold down CTRL when selecting more, otherwise your selection will be lost.

Once finished, click the Save button to commit your changes to the selected employees list.

Click Cancel to discard your changes.

Click the Exit button to return to the Management Console.

If you have made any changes, the Exit button will be unavailable until you save or cancel your changes.

Edit Selected Employee

Some employees cannot be moved to the selected employees side of the list. If this is the case, the employee details are incomplete. The most likely cause is that there is a required field for the current employee that is either empty or whose value is being used by another employee. To correct this, you can highlight the employee in question and click the Edit Selected Employee button.

Press Save or F10 to commit your changes to the Employee Maintenance screen.

Employee Maintenance Buttons

Prev : F7 / Next : F8 - Use these keys to scroll through employee records, as the button names imply: Previous or Next.

Find : F9 - Clicking this button or pressing F9 opens the Employee search window:

Enter the Employee Code or Alpha Code to search for. Press F9 again to search for this employee or press ESC or the Exit button to cancel the search.

Save : F10 - Once finished, click the Save button to commit your changes to the selected employee.

Delete : F6- Delete the current employee. This is only available if the Employee Details tab is selected.

Exit : Esc - Click to return to the Management Console.

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