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Your employee profile

Your employee profile is where you can accept or decline shifts, submit leave requests and manage your personal information using the MYOB Acumatica — Workforce Management web application. You can also change some information using the MYOB Advanced Team mobile app.

Opening your employee profile

Web app

  1. Log in using your web browser.

  2. Click your name at the top-right of the screen.

  3. Click My Profile.

Mobile app

  1. Log in to MYOB Advanced Team on your mobile device.

  2. Click the profile icon at the top-right of the screen.

Employee profile tabs

  • Personal Information – Personal, employment and contact details.

  • Address – Your address information

  • Bank Accounts – Your bank account information

  • Expenses – Your expense claims

  • Financial & Payroll – Your payroll details and links to your payslips

  • Licenses & Training – All your licenses and training details

  • Emergency – Your emergency and medical details

  • Settings – Change your password or username

  • Schedule – Your scheduled shifts

  • Leave & Unavailability – Submit leave requests and view your leave details

  • Shift Requests – All the shift requests sent to you by managers

  • TIme & Attendance  – Your timesheet information

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