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MYOB Advanced Workforce Management 9.1 August 2022

We've updated MYOB Advanced Workforce Management to version 9.1.

What's new?

Improved timesheet filters and alerts

New timesheet filters let you narrow down the list to positions and clock locations. Even better, you can find quickly find the ones that need your attention by filtering by alerts or time variance.

We've also improved alerts. We added a new alert to flag clock entries that are out by more than the grace period, and given you the option to record notes when dismissing alerts, as well as visibility over who dismissed them.

More flexible onboarding

Hiring managers can now specify an onboarding flow when importing employee invites.

What's fixed?

A range of issues with the software have been fixed in version 9.1, including the following:

  • Hours per day and days per week fields are now removed when switching from Full/Part time to Casual employment type.
  • The Expired Visa report now includes terminated/archived employees.
  • The system now allows the IRD number 000-000-000 (NZ only).


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