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Importing timesheets into MYOB Acumatica — Payroll

Before you can import timesheets into MYOB Acumatica — Payroll they need to be commited to payroll and included in a finalised pay run. Once the pay run is finalised the timesheet data can be imported into MYOB Acumatica — Payroll and then added to a pay run.

For information on pay runs, see Creating and finalising pay runs.

  1. In MYOB Acumatica — Payroll, go to the Timesheet Batches form (MPPP7060).

  2. Click Import External Timesheets.
    This imports the following information:

    • Timesheets from all pay runs that have been finalised and that have not yet been imported into MYOB Acumatica — Payroll.

    • For NZ companies, employee’s schedules are updated based on the imported data:

      • Data on employees’ shifts is imported into the Scheduled Hours field on their schedules.

      • The Working Day checkboxes on employees’ schedules are ticked or cleared as appropriate, according to the days they worked.

You can then import the timesheets into pay runs into a pay run using the Import Timesheets screen.

The associated pay runs will remain in the Finalised status in MYOB Acumatica — Workforce Management until all timesheets have been paid.

When I try to import timesheet batches nothing happens/I can’t import timesheet batches.

If you can’t import external timesheet batches (no batch list is visible at all) this probably indicates the API can’t connect properly.

Please reach out to your support partner/implementer to confirm an “Integration Route” has been configured fully for your site.

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