Pay types let you set up different items that can be included in employee's pay. Pay types are used to calculate the amount or multiplier to use in roster/timesheet costing.
If you are using MYOB Advanced Workforce Management with MYOB Advanced Payroll, Advanced Workforce Management pay types are mapped to pay items in Advanced Payroll.
To add new pay types:
Navigate to the Pay Types screen by clicking on Management and selecting Settings. Once you are on the settings screen, click on the Pay Types tile.
Click the Add ( + ) button.
Enter all details on the Add pay type window. Points to note:
If you are integrating MYOB Advanced Workforce Management with MYOB Advanced Payroll, you must select the MYOB Advanced pay item that this pay type maps to in the External Mapping field.
The Calculate in Payroll option determines what rate will be applied to hours with this pay type when they are imported into MYOB Advanced Payroll:
If the option is not ticked, the rate supplied by Advanced Workforce Management will be used. (If no rate is supplied, the rate associated with the pay item in Advanced Payroll will always be used.)
If the option is ticked, any rate supplied by Advanced Workforce Management will be ignored; the rate associated with the pay item in Advanced Payroll will always be used.
For NZ companies, the system will always use the leave rates set up in MYOB Advanced Payroll, regardless of whether Calculate in Payroll is ticked.
You must include either a Fixed amount or a Multiplier of base rate.
Click Add to add the new pay type.
The new pay type appears in the list of pay types.
To edit an existing pay type, click the Edit link at the right of the pay type's line.
To delete a pay type, open the Edit pay type window and click the Delete button.
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