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How do I submit a leave request?

To submit a leave request:

  1. Click My Profile on the menu dropdown list when your name is clicked (seen on the upper right corner).
  2. Click the Leave & Unavailability icon. You will be directed to the Leave & Unavailability page.
  3. Click the Submit button. A window appears - fill out all the required details to submit a leave request.

    • Name - Select the employee you wish to add a new request for
    • Location - Choose a location for where the leave is for
    • Type - Select a leave type (eg. Unavailable, Annual Leave, Personal Leave, etc.)
    • Allocation - Select if Full Day, Half Day, or Custom Times
    • Start Date - Select a start leave date from the date picker
    • End Date - Select an end leave date from the date picker
    • Note - Enter leave details (eg. reason for taking a leave)
    • Supporting Documentation - Upload a file for proof if any
    • Repeat Every - You can make a leave request a recurring event by selecting a recurrence (Weekly, Fortnightly, Monthly or Quarterly) then entering a Re-occurrence End date.
  4. Click the Save button when done.

Your submitted leave will be displayed on the leave table.


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