Depending on your access level as a manager, you may be able authorise your approved timesheets. This authorisation process is a sign to your payroll team that these shifts should be included in your pay run.
There are two of ways authorising your timesheets: individually or in bulk.
Individual Authorisation
Select the approved timesheet you want to authorise. You can authorise it by clicking the tick icon, or by clicking the cog icon and selecting Authorise from the dropdown list.
Bulk Authorisation
You can select multiple timesheets to authorise at once. To do this, individually click on the tick boxes to the left of each employee's name. (The tickbox appears when you hover the mouse over the timesheet. You can also select all timesheets by clicking the tick box to the left of the Employee column heading. Remember that you can only authorise approved timesheets.
Once you have selected the employees you would like to authorise, click the Actions dropdown at the top of the page and select the Authorise option. This will authorise any approved timesheets from your selected list.
Once authorised, the Status icon of timesheets changes to yellow and the Actions options will be restricted. These options will be visible/invisible dependent on your access level as a manager.
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