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How do I add Standard Hours to an employee?

As a manager, you can add the employee's Standard Hours by going to Employee Profile > Schedule & T&A tab.

  1. From the dashboard, click Management > Employees. You will be redirected to the Employees screen.

  2. Choose an employee in the employee table, then click the edit icon under the Actions column.

  3. Click on the Roster, Time and Attendance tab.

  4. Click Add standard hours. A window opens where you can enter the details of the employee's standard hours:

  5. Fill out all the necessary fields:

    • Tick Add these standard hours to the roster to be able to quickly add the employee's standard hours to the roster- see How do I add employees' standard hours to the Roster?

    • Tick Lock the roster to these standard hours to ensure that the employee's hours can't be edited after their standard hours are added to the roster - see Multiple Standard Hours Guide.

    • Enter the employee's location and standard hours for each day.

    • Click Add Week to add extra weeks of standard hours, to a maximum of four weeks.

  6. Click Save standard hours once you have filled in all fields.


If you have lots of standard hours to set up at once, you may want to look at Importing standard and contracted hours for employees instead, as this lets you upload CSV formatted information in bulk.

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