As a manager, you can define one or more user-defined fields to add to the employee profile so additional information can be entered.
To add user-defined fields to add to the employee profile:
On the dashboard, click on Management > Settings > User Defined Field Setting.
Click the + button.
A window will appear. Enter details into all fields:
Name: Enter name of the user-defined field (the name will only appear on settings)
Order: Enter the order of the user-defined field to appear on employee profile (if you enter 1 that field will appear as the first field (top) on employee profile)
Label: Enter label of the user-defined field (the name will appear on the employee profile)
Tooltip: Enter tooltip (when a user hovers on the field, a tooltip will show)
Placeholder: Enter placeholder (this will be displayed as an overlay inside the text fields)
Custom Validator: Enter a regular expression (to validate the entered details on the field)
Data Type: Enter the Data type of the field (could be Text, Email Address, URL etc..)
Text - can enter any kind of text data (eg. Position, Spouse Name, Dependents etc.)
Boolean Yes/No - a checkbox that can only be one state; either Yes or No. (eg. Yes/No questions; If Married etc.. )
Email Address - can only enter email address format (eg.
URL - can enter any kind of text data (eg. LinkedIn profile link, jobstreet resume etc.)
Phone Number - can enter numbers (must not accept characters)
Whole Number - can enter numbers (must not accept characters)
Decimal Number - can enter a number with a decimal point
Currency - can enter numbers (must not accept characters) (eg. Salary from the previous work, Expected Salary, etc..)
Date Only - can enter Date (Date of resignation, Date of re-employment etc.)
Field Level: Enter field level (could be Optional or Required)
Owner Type: For now Employee is the default Owner type
Available?: Tick the checkbox, if you want the field to appear on the employee profile; Untick to remove the field from the employee profile.
Once you have set up the user-defined fields, you can fill out the fields on Additional Information tab. Click Save once you have filled out the fields.
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