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Checking and actioning your messages

In MYOB Acumatica — Workforce Management managers and payroll administrators can send you and your teammates messages. New messages will show a red dot on the chat icon at the top-right screen in the web app, or the Messages tile on the mobile home screen.

You can check messages in both the web app and the MYOB Advanced Team mobile app.

Some messages may require read confirmation – you can mark these as read from both the messages and actions screens. You can also leave comments on some messages, to have your say.

Check and action a message

Check and action a message in the web app

  1. Click the chat icon at the top-right of the screen to open your Messages.

  2. Select which messages to view from the panel on the left.

  3. To leave a comment (if available), click the comments option, enter your comment and click the send icon.

  4. If read confirmation is required, mark the message as read.
    You can also do this from the actions screen.

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