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Building rosters based on sales forecasts

It is now possible to build rosters in MYOB Advanced Workforce Management based on sales forecasts imported from your point of sale system. This makes it easy to ensure the adequate number of staff are rostered on to meet demand, while taking into account company-wide break settings.

This feature is related to our demand-based roster (customers) feature, which builds a roster based on the expected number of customers and is particularly useful for one-off events.

To build a roster based on sales forecasts you need to import forecast data, create a template, and add demand-based shifts to the roster - either directly, or by applying the template.

To import sales forecast data

Hourly forecasts only Only hourly forecasts(not daily or weekly) work with the demand-based roster (sales integration) feature.


  1. Open Business Intelligence (Management > Business Intelligence).
  2. Click Import Sales Data and upload sales forecast using the CSV template. This data will appear in the Business Intelligence tool.
  3. You can also you can enable Graph breakdown in the roster view.
To create a template
  1. Open the Roster via the main navigation bar in MYOB Advanced Workforce Management.
  2. Click
  3. Select Templates.
  4. Click Create.
  5. Enter a Name, the number of Days the roster should cover, and the Location it applies to.
  6. Click Close.
To add demand-based shifts to the roster
  1. Click + to add a new shift to the template.
  2. Select a Position.
  3. Select a Location .
  4. Toggle Demand based shift to Yes.
  5. Enter the number of Minimum shifts and Maximum shifts – i.e. the minimum and maximum number of staff that should be rostered on for that specific shift. These fields allow users to set the thresholds for the number of shifts. The number of shifts will never surpass these thresholds.

    The maximum number of shifts that can be entered is 6. If you need to create more than 6 shifts, please repeat these steps to add a second set of shifts to the roster template.
  6. In the Ratio field, enter the desired ratio per hour using the same units as the sales forecast.
  7. Enter a Start time and Endtime within which you would like the shifts to appear.
  8. Enter a Start day from which you would like these shifts to appear.
  9. Enter an End day – either Same day or Next day for overnight shifts.
  10. Enter a Break duration for these shifts.
  11. Enter any relevant Employee notes.
  12. Click Save.
  13. Click Close.
  14. Repeat steps 1 to 13 to build out the demand-based roster template.

 Ratio example

The desired ratio is 1 bartender for every $100 of forecast hourly sales. The restaurant has 5 bartenders and at least 1 is required to be present during any given shift. The user would create the template with the following settings:

  • Minimum shifts = 1
  • Maximum shifts = 5
  • Ratio = 100

When the roster is created:

  • If the forecast sales is $100, the template would create 1 shift.
  • If the forecast sales is $200. the template would create 2 shifts.
  • If the forecast sales is $800, the template would create 5 shifts (the maximum number defined).
To apply the template to the roster
  1. Open Roster.
  2. Click .
  3. Click Apply sales demand template.
  4. Pick the template from the Select a template dropdown.
  5. Choose the Start date.
  6. Click Apply.



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