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MYOB Advanced version numbers

Your MYOB Advanced version number includes information about the major Acumatica framework releases, and smaller feature, compliance, and hotfix updates that have been deployed to your site.

To check which version you're on, go to your MYOB Advanced dashboard and click Tools > About...

What does the version number mean?

Acumatica framework major version number

The Acumatica framework has major framework updates twice yearly, which deliver significant new features and functionality that can change existing process and may require extensive testing.

Acumatica framework update version

The Acumatica minor versions typically include smaller changes and bug fixes.

MYOB Advanced release number

Each release of MYOB Advanced, except for hotfixes, has a release number. The .1 release usually updates to the latest Acumatica framework version, while subsequent releases include incremental improvements such as payroll compliance updates.

When discussing MYOB releases, we usually shorten the version number to just the Acumatica framework and MYOB release numbers, for example 2022.2.1.

MYOB Advanced hotfix number

Hotfixes are smaller updates to MYOB Advanced, often targeted towards sites who are experiencing a specific issue.

Internal build numbers

Normally only relevant to developers, these are the internal Acumatica and MYOB numbers assigned to the version that was released.

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