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Automatic expiration dates for stock items

If your company produces stock items that have a limited shelf life, you can use the MYOB.Manufacturing.ExpiryDatesAutomation customisation to define shelf-life duration. That way, MYOB Advanced Manufacturing can automatically calculate the expiration date for a batch of stock items.

Because you only need to define the shelf life of a stock item once, there's less chance for human error to miscalculate an expiration date. For example, your company is less likely to produce a batch of bread loaves that incorrectly say they expire ten years in the future.

Set up automatic expiration dates

To set up automatic expiration dates, you need to define how a stock item's shelf life is calculated.

  1. Go to the Stock Items form (IN202500).
  2. In the Inventory ID field, select the stock item that you want to define a shelf life for.
  3. In the Lot/Serial Class field, make sure that the stock item is lot tracked.
  4. On the General tab, complete the fields in the Shelf-life Definitions section:

    If you can't see the Shelf-life Definitions sections, make sure the Lot and Serial Tracking feature is enabled for your company.

    • UOM – Choose the base unit of measure for the stock item's shelf life.
    • Multiplier – Enter a number to multiply the base unit of measure by.

      Each unit of measure is based on a set number of days. Day is a single day, Week is seven days, Month is 30 days, Year is 365 days. So, a stock item's shelf life is automatically calculated by summing up the unit of measure and the multiplier.

      For example, if you have a stock item with a shelf life of 28 days, you'd set UOM to Day and Multiplier to 28.

  5. On the form toolbar, click the Save icon ().
When is the expiration date calculated?

The Expiration Date field is calculated when you create a record for a batch's final operation on the Move (AM302000) or Labour (AM301000) form. You can also manually edit the Expiration Date if the standard shelf-life definition doesn't apply for a particular batch being produced.

For example

Suppose you're producing a batch of bread loaves with a shelf life of seven days. When the bread's been packed (the final operation in the production process), you create a record on the Move form. The Date field is automatically set to today's date, 24/11/2022. Then, you add a transaction for the batch of bread. The Expiration Date field for that batch of bread would be automatically set to the date seven days in the future, 1/12/2022.

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