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Automatic expiration dates for stock items

If your company produces stock items that have a limited shelf life, you can use the MYOB.Manufacturing.ExpiryDatesAutomation customisation to define shelf-life duration. That way, MYOB Acumatica Manufacturing Edition can automatically calculate the expiration date for a batch of stock items.

Because you only need to define the shelf life of a stock item once, there's less chance for human error to miscalculate an expiration date. For example, your company is less likely to produce a batch of bread loaves that incorrectly say they expire ten years in the future.

Set up automatic expiration dates

To set up automatic expiration dates, you need to define how a stock item's shelf life is calculated.

  1. Go to the Stock Items form (IN202500).

  2. In the Inventory ID field, select the stock item that you want to define a shelf life for.

  3. In the Lot/Serial Class field, make sure that the stock item is lot tracked.

  4. On the General tab, complete the fields in the Shelf-life Definitions section:

    If you can't see the Shelf-life Definitions sections, make sure the Lot and Serial Tracking feature is enabled for your company.

    • UOM – Choose the base unit of measure for the stock item's shelf life.

    • Multiplier – Enter a number to multiply the base unit of measure by.

      Each unit of measure is based on a set number of days. Day is a single day, Week is seven days, Month is 30 days, Year is 365 days. So, a stock item's shelf life is automatically calculated by summing up the unit of measure and the multiplier.

      For example, if you have a stock item with a shelf life of 28 days, you'd set UOM to Day and Multiplier to 28.

  5. On the form toolbar, click the Save icon (


When is the expiration date calculated?

The Expiration Date field is calculated when you create a record for a batch's final operation on the Move (AM302000) or Labour (AM301000) form. You can also manually edit the Expiration Date if the standard shelf-life definition doesn't apply for a particular batch being produced.

For example

Suppose you're producing a batch of bread loaves with a shelf life of seven days. When the bread's been packed (the final operation in the production process), you create a record on the Move form. The Date field is automatically set to today's date, 24/11/2022. Then, you add a transaction for the batch of bread. The Expiration Date field for that batch of bread would be automatically set to the date seven days in the future, 1/12/2022.

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