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2022.2 Release notes

MYOB Advanced Business 2022.2 is a major update that adds a wide range of new features across the entire MYOB Advanced system.

Get the full release notes:

Top new features

These are the five features we think you'll love the most, but there are so many other great improvements in this release. For a comprehensive list of new features, see the full release notes.
Single sign-on

You can now provide single sign-on (SSO) and manage user access in one place by integrating MYOB Advanced with Microsoft Azure Active Directory (Azure AD).

For detailed steps on setting up Azure AD, see our online help pages.

Companies that use bank feeds also need a customisation to be able to integrate with Azure AD. This customisation is available on the MYOB Partner self-service portal.

Inventory and order management – Side panels

By adding a side panel to inventory and order management forms, users can now view a list of records while simultaneously viewing (and modifying, if necessary) various information related to a record on a data entry form.

For more details, see page 147 of the full release notes.

Finance – Approving GL transactions

Administrators can now set up an approval process that prevents GL transactions from being released and posted until they're approved by an authorised employee.

For more details, see page 80 of the full release notes.

Manufacturing – New engineering workbench

A manufacturing engineer can now view, create, and modify a multilevel bill of material displayed in a tree structure by using the new Engineering Workbench (AM208100) form. This is useful when for creating and modifying bills of material with subassemblies.

For more details, see page 163 of the full release notes.

Construction – Tracking project progress by unit

This release adds the functionality to track project productivity. With this new functionality, employees working on a construction site can capture project activities on the unit level and track project progress by using a new type of document: progress worksheets. In the daily field report, a user can add cost budget lines and capture units used on the construction site during the working day. This functionality helps project managers to track project productivity and define the potential impact of these activities on the project schedule and cost budget.

For more details, see page 214 of the full release notes.

What's changed

After upgrading to MYOB Advanced 2022.2, there are changes (apart from new features) that administrators need to know about. For some changes, an administrator needs to complete extra steps.

What's changed and what you need to do
Action required?What's changedWhat you need to do

If the organisation uses a Shopify store that was connected to MYOB Advanced Retail-Commerce Edition with a Shopify private app, store connections established through private Shopify apps will no longer work.

After upgrading to 2022.2, the administrator should reconnect the Shopify store using a public or custom Shopify app.

For details, see Commerce: Connection of a Store with a Custom Shopify App in the full release notes.

The following changes have been applied on the Dunning tab of the Accounts Receivable Preferences form:

  • The Add Coming-Due Invoices checkbox has inherited its state from the Include Other Unpaid Documents checkbox of the previous version.
  • The new Add Open Payments and Credit Memos checkbox has been deselected.
  • the system administrator should review how credit memos and payments are shown in these reports.

Customised dunning letter reports will still work, but if on the Accounts Receivable Preferences form, the Add Open Payments and Credit Memos checkbox is selected, an administrator should review how credit memos and payments are shown.

If they're not shown in an acceptable way, we recommend using standard reports instead of customised ones, or that the company create a new customised report.

On the Accounts Receivable Preferences form, the system has entered the option in the Prepare Dunning Letters field based on the state of the Consolidate Dunning Letters for all Branches checkbox as follows:
  • If the Consolidate Dunning Letters for all Branches checkbox was selected, the Consolidate for All Companies option has been entered in the Prepare Dunning Letters field.
  • If the Consolidate Dunning Letters for all Branches checkbox was deselected, the For Each Branch option has been entered in the Prepare Dunning Letters field.

If your organisation uses customised reports, the system administrator should perform the steps described in Upgrade Changes in Release Notes for Developers.

 The system has copied the dunning levels from the Dunning tab of the Accounts Receivable Preferences (AR101000) form to the Dunning tab on the Customer Classes (AR201000) form for each customer class. 

On the Dunning Letter (AR306000) form, the Dunning Fee setting has been updated as follows:

  • If the status of a dunning letter is Draft, the Dunning Fee field has been populated with the dunning fee specified for the customer class on the Dunning tab of the Customer Classes form.
  • If the status of a dunning letter is Released, the Dunning Fee field has been populated with the Detail Total amount of the dunning fee invoice whose identifier is specified in the Fee Reference Nbr. field on the Dunning Letter form. If no dunning fee invoice was generated, the Dunning Fee field has been populated with 0.00.

On the Payment Methods (CA204000) form, the ACH and ACHBA payment methods have been added to the system only if payment methods with these names were not defined manually in the tenant in a previous version. The Release Batch Payments Before Export checkbox has been deselected for all ACH payment methods.


On the Tax Zones (TX206000) form, for each tax zone, the settings on the deprecated Zip Codes tab have been converted to settings on the Ship-To Addresses tab as follows:

  • The Tax Zone Is Based On field has been filled in with the Postal Codes option. The Country field has been left empty.
  • Each row in the table on the deprecated Zip Codes tab has been converted into one row on the Ship-To Addresses tab. The rows have been converted according to the following rules:
    • If 1 was specified in the Zip Code+4 (Min) column and 9999 was specified in the Zip Code+4 (Max) column, the From Postal Code and To Postal Code columns are filled in with the one that had been specified in the Zip Code column for the row.
    • If settings other than 1 and 9999 were specified in the Zip Code+4 (Min) and Zip Code+4 (Max) columns, respectively, the From Postal Code column is filled in with the postal code followed by a hyphen and then the value in the Zip Code+4 (Min) column. The To Postal Code column is filled in with the postal code followed by a hyphen and then the value in the Zip Code+4 (Max) column.
    • The values in the Zip Code+4 (Min) and Zip Code+4 (Max) columns, when concatenated with a postal code added after a zip postal code and a hyphen, have been formatted to four digits with leading zeroes.

The system has done the following with the currency settings specified on the Customer Management Preferences (CR101000) form (the Currency ID setting and the state of the Enable Currency Override checkbox):

  • For each business account class, has copied the currency and the checkbox from the Customer Management Preferences (CR101000) form to the Business Account Classes (CR208000) form.
  • To populate the currency settings of a business account on the Business Accounts (CR303000) form, has copied the currency settings that are specified for the selected business account class on the Business Account Classes form. If no business account class is specified for a business account, the Currency ID field will be left empty and the Enable Currency Override checkbox will be selected in the business account.

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